Human Resources Consulting Cleveland Ohio

Human Resources Management

HR Case Studies


The following Shared Time Human Resources Management, Inc. case studies exemplify the opportunities and challenges we undertake on behalf of our clients and the sound, value added solutions we provide.


Human Resources News and Case Studies


STHRM, Inc. Resolves National Telecommunication Service Provider's Human Resource Issues

Providing value to clients since 1993, Shared Time Human Resources Management, Inc. is a value-oriented source for Human Resources solutions. Our private consulting and custom-designed systems present a high-value, low-cost solution to fixed-cost human capital issues. Our staff has more than twenty-five years of corporate human resources experience with “Fortune” listed, “Inc. 500,” and privately owned businesses. The following STHRM, Inc. case study exemplifies the type of opportunities and challenges we undertake and the sound, value-added solutions we provide.


The client is a privately held telecommunication service provider to schools, insurance and retail companies with more than three hundred (300) employees in thirty (30) states. The challenge arose from an under-performing organization with unfocused human resources leadership.


STHRM, Inc. was hired in the capacity of an interim director of human resources.


  • Implemented company-wide career development plan and ways to train employees for current and future positions.

  • Developed technology certificate incentive program.

  • Developed implemented annual merit budget planning process.

  • Developed process to re-write position descriptions to accurately reflect the position’s duties and responsibilities.

  • Re-wrote employee handbook and instituted paid time-off program.

  • Developed delegation of authority template for supervisors and manager levels.

  • Developed pre-employment process to include benchmark assessment and pre-employment physical, which included alcohol and drug screen for new employees.

  • Developed human resources process flow chart and annual calendar of events with a designated owner for each event.

  • Developed new hire announcement with timing to obtain equipment, office supplies and manager orientation guide.

  • Investigated and wrote responses for two alleged charges of race and sexual harassment discrimination charges filed with the Ohio Civil Rights Commission. The commission dismissed both charges as non-probable cause.

  • Assisted the client’s vice president of operations to file annual Ohio Job Tax Credit program.

  • Reviewed employees’ personnel security clearances paperwork to reduce delays obtaining clearance to work at undisclosed Department of Justice locations.

Notice: In order to maintain strict client confidentiality, business-specific information has been removed from this case study. The presented situations, activities, programs, projects, actions, and subsequent results are accurate.

If you are interested in learning more about this case study, results and services offered by STHRM, Inc. please contact, Glenn Levar (telephone: 440-979-1046, e-mail: To learn more about STHRM, Inc. visit

STHRM, Inc. has teams and strategic alliances with executive wealth management experts, health and life insurance brokers, 401(k) providers, interim executives, professional advisers, operations professionals, third-party workers’ compensation administrators, and employment/contract attorneys.

We welcome referrals from our clients and friends. Please pass this case study along to anyone who may have a need or be interested in our services.