STHRM, Inc. Works with Manufacturing Companies to Resolve Discrimination Charges
Providing value to clients since 1993, Shared Time Human Resources Management, Inc. is a value-oriented source for Human Resources solutions. Our private consulting and custom-designed systems present a high-value, low-cost solution to fixed-cost human capital issues. Our staff has more than twenty-five years of corporate human resources experience with “Fortune” listed, “Inc. 500,” and privately owned businesses. The following STHRM, Inc. case study exemplifies the type of opportunities and challenges we undertake and the sound, value-added solutions we provide.
In order to maintain strict client confidentiality, business-specific information has been removed from this case study. The presented situations, activities, programs, projects, actions, and subsequent results are accurate.
The clients are privately held manufacturing companies with operations in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Indiana, and Arizona.
The client companies were faced with twelve employee discrimination charges. The charges included alleged discrimination against national origin, race, disability, and disability retaliation, sex discrimination, sex retaliation, sexual harassment, and age. STHRM, Inc. was hired to investigate and write answers to the charges. The answers were sent to U.S. EEOC regional offices, state Commissions on Civil Rights and/or the state Attorneys General offices.
The individual cases were filed in several jurisdictions, including the U.S. EEOC, state’s Attorney General, and state fair employment practices agencies.
In all ten discrimination charges against the companies, the EEOC determined, based upon STHRM’s answers that it was unable to conclude that the information obtained established a violation of the statutes.
If you are interested in learning more about this case study, results and services offered by STHRM, Inc. please contact, Glenn Levar (telephone: 440.979.1046, e-mail: To learn more about STHRM, Inc. visit
STHRM, Inc. has teams and strategic alliances with executive wealth management experts, health and life insurance brokers, 401(k) providers, interim executives, professional advisors, operations professionals, third-party workers’ compensation administrators, and employment/contract attorneys.
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